It is hard to find a business that is not computer-dependent. When even a single computer goes down, anxiety and costs go up as valuable employees and their computers become unproductive, while the minutes and hours pass waiting for computer help to arrive. What if we told you that there is a better way?

IT Services & Support in Lake Norman, NC

What are IT Services & Support?

Many people we encounter don’t understand what “IT Services & Support” means or includes. Simply put, it means we take care of all your IT needs for you including, but not limited to:

  • Monitoring and installing updates for your company’s computers and servers.
  • Protection against attacks from malware and viruses for devices connected to your network.
  • Backing up your company data to the cloud to protect you from downtime and data loss due to unforeseen events.
  • Providing on-site and remote technical support to your staff.
  • Monitoring the Dark Web to make sure your sensitive data isn’t out there for sale.
  • Training your staff on proper standards to protect themselves and your network.
  • Providing technology to your company including Firewalls, Microsoft 365, VoIP Phone Systems, and more.


All our plans include services such as:

24/7/365 Monitoring – Workstations and Servers

Windows updates and Security Patching

Endpoint Security software (Antivirus comprised of multiple layers)

Monitored by a 24/7/365 SOC (Security Operations Center)

Software Updates

Help Desk

Keep Your System Healthy in Lake Norman, NC

JH3's IT Services & Support include advanced, automated technology that proactively works in the background, keeping your system healthy and functioning by preventing potential problems before they become disasters.  From system updates and patches to automatic virus prevention and removal our IT professionals will keep your network up and running and prevent those costly days of downtime when something goes wrong. Don’t wait until it’s too late!